
New Year...New Look!!!

After a small hiatus from the wonderful world of blogging, we are back! I'm very happy to say that PureNSimple has undergone a number of changes in the New Year and our blog was no exception, beginning with the name...

I happen to be fortunate enough to have a wonderful support system of Wedding Coordinators from all levels of achievements, all walks of life and all geographic locations at my disposal. One night as I was driving back from a Client meeting and chatting with a fellow Coordinator who is located in Maryland, we were engaged in our usual discussions about Weddings and trends we notice in our specific areas. As we were giggling about just how quickly the year is flying by and the season has picked up, I mentioned that it seems that no matter what free time we have, all we discuss are our Weddings! She laughed and said, Isis-this is our "water cooler"!

Hence the name was born! Welcome to my water cooler where we chat, exchange laughs and procrastinate (just a little) about the world of Weddings, life and love.
